Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lesson One: SEO Basics - what is, how it works..

What is SEO?

SEO = Search Engine Optimization, ie getting your site ranked higher so more people show up at your doorstep. In theory we’re interested in all search engines. In practice SEO = Google.

What's the difference between SEO and SEM?

While some people use SEO and SEM interchangeably, SEO (search engine optimization) is actually a part of SEM (search engine marketing). 

SEO refers to the process of using on and off page factors (typically free) to get your web pages ranked for your chosen keywords in order to get more search engine traffic to your sites. SEM takes it a step farther to include using paid search engine listings and paid inclusion to get more traffic to your websites.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Master SEO Sheet REVEALED!

I've been focusing on SEO this month for my blog, and want to share an important and necessary recipe for SEO success that I've been using.

I want to share to you today, what I believe to be a complete ON PAGE SEO strategy that will help anyone progress towards acheieving first rank on the Google search engine. I've studied these techniques of which I am about to share with you today, from multiple top level internet marketing gurus on the web! 

Here are some important and necessary search engine optimization tips, in order to increase search engine rankings on Google!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 10 Facebook PPC marketing tips

Based on market research, close observation, and personally spending almost six figures in testing, here are the 10 MOST powerful Facebook ppc marketing tips you can learn and profit from today.

I felt it also necessary to lay-out some of the more costly mistakes I see made by marketers and small businesses make regularly as well.

1. Know your audience.

Too many jump into running ads way too soon without completing market research. You must know the ins and outs, demographics, keywords, and fine details about the local or global market you’re advertising in.

Here's an example:

I saw an add the other day that was geared toward dentists to the tune of “getting new customers.” The reality is, dentists don’t want new customers… they want NEW PATIENTS!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The magic formula to make $10 - $20 a day with CPA Networks

I decided to share this valuable free information with all buddys: If you want to finally make money promoting CPA offers, then read how I started my career in CPA marketing. 

Now I had some unique and profitable strategy that will help you to kick-start your career in the CPA marketing.

1. Sign up first for some cpa marketing company

Why most people fail with autoblogging?

Some of my online properties are my autoblogs. I first learnt about autoblogging in the internet, created my first autoblogs with the help of the countless great posts here about autoblogs.

When I first learnt about autoblogging I was so excited: "Im going to create a blog that take care of himself and its going to take care of my financial future", I can't imagine a better way to make money than this!! Money machines here I come...

My first autoblog was banned from google in less than a month it was created. After that I thought autoblogging is a myth and kept away from these nusty-easy banned machines for about a year.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Simple strategies that you can do with SEO

If you are quite new in the online advertising field, you may not be too familiar yet with the many search engine optimization strategies that make your internet advertising campaign more effective. To guide you on your online marketing journey, here are a few simple search engine optimization strategies that can help you boost your website traffic generation efforts. 

The content of your articles will always spell the failure or success of your online advertising campaign, after all, what the customer needs is helpful information, data that they can use to alleviate their current situation, additional information on something that they already have preliminary knowledge on, or a very new and innovative process that will help them simplify what is normally hard for them – these are some of the contents that you want to delve on and discuss. Content is always king and nothing will beat an article like impeccable information. 

Strategies to increase conversions of organic keywords

After a week of website exposure via the different search engine optimization strategies, you will be able to bring in traffic into your website and that is when you need to get real busy by using Google Analytics or any other tracking tool to determine how your advertising fronts are doing in terms of driving traffic to your website and at the same time knowing the kind of traffic that is coming in. Your organic keywords are the bait that reels in the traffic and it would do you good to determine how each of these keywords are performing and which ones that you have chosen produce more results than the rest.

Knowing which specific organic keywords are really bringing in the proper targeted traffic will help you increase your conversion rates and eventually raise your website revenue generation. And In order to track your conversions via the use of your organic keywords do the following:

You first have to carefully select your keywords which are also your traffic sources. With the right keywords, you will also get the right kind of traffic, and reversely, choose the wrong one and all you will get is traffic with a very low conversion rate.

After laying out your keywords and placing them where they would be more effective, set a specific time frame for the usage of the keywords selected and the ideal exposure would be from 3 months up to half a year and that would be more than enough to determine whether the keyword that you chose will perform or not (bring in traffic and conversions at the same time). Once you have seen the statistics, then you can decide whether to maintain the current keyword or replace it with a new one.

On the options, select “Show: non-paid”. And then afterwards, click on either the Ecommerce tab of the Goal set tab and if you want to sort visits, you only have to click on the column title and this is quite important so that you would be able to sort the data in many ways and be able to interpret the many facets of your online campaign.

With a competent tracking tool, you would surely be able to see on what specific points of your campaign you need to get a move on and on what portions you need to maintain status quo since you are already doing perfectly well on that end. Without a monitoring setup, you would be campaigning blind, not knowing where you stand now and what the real status of your online company is.

With the proper tracking tool, you would be able to determine which steps you have to take next and what other options you have to mitigate on certain online advertising situations. And that is the reason why tracking is very essential in search engine optimization.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ways to promote your site or blog and get huge traffic with a bit of money?

1. AdWords: Google make billions of dollars every year from the AdWords-AdSense combo. Why is that? Because they work. Adwords is probably the most efficient method to generated raw traffic for your website. In order to get started you should create an account, add lots (by lots I mean hundreds if not thousands) of keywords that are related your site and set the maximum Pay-per-Click rate at $0.01. After that raise the rate by $0.01 every week or so until you start getting the desired amount of daily clicks. Notice that at lower bids the keywords will be reported as “Inactive for Search”. Do not worry about it, it just means that your ads will not appear on the search network (Google’s search results), but they will appear on the content network (websites of people that use AdSense).

2. Site-Specific AdWords: if you pay attention to the AdSense units you will see that most of them have a link titled “Advertise on this site”. This feature enables AdWords advertisers to create customized ads that will be displayed only on specific websites. Those ads work on a CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) rather than a CPC (cost per click) basis, but they can generate a good amount of very targeted traffic since you will be in control of where the ad will be displayed and of the message. You can get even better results if you use some creativity when designing the ads 

Forum Advertising Via Signature

Hello Everyone,

My next tip is actually very useful and can make you some cash without ever spending a dime.

Forum Advertising Via Signature

Step 1

Find a good offer to promote in a popular niche. For example, I have found success promoting "free ringtones" in my signature on forums based around popular teen music artists.

Example: Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, The Jonas Brothers, and much more.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Get the most out of your Google Analytics

We all know that tracking our stats is absolutely crucial to be successful. Here are few tools I found on internet. Hope, it can help some people.

1. Social Media Metrics Greasemonkey Plugin For Google Analytics – it pulls the social media metrics right into Google Analytics Content Detail reports automatically, with links to the social media sites for your pages. It pulls in data from Digg, Sphinn, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Del.icio.us, with more to come.

2. Get Email Alerts from Google Analytics – With this script, you can get an email when any of your websites drop in visit or page view counts (or anything else you want).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Favorite Marketing Model

Article Marketing
I publish to the main hubs, then I push links to those pages to grab more market share via Google.

Video Marketing
I publish my video's to the main hubs, then push links to them so they start ranking for competitive keywords

Media Buying
Once I have my ads created I go to the major media networks and start buying ad space. You can find cheap ad space that targets your market specifically, especially if you go direct with that publisher. I just recently got hundreds of thousands of impressions for only $300, which couldn't target my market any more.

PPC - Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Myspace
Grab all my keywords I want to target for Google and Yahoo! and drive traffic to landing page. For Facebook/Myspace, target my key demographic (learn how to do this...know your market, most don't know who they're targeting, just the "type" of person) and send them to landing page as well.

Send All Traffic to Capture Page
I send all traffic to landing page to capture email address then forward to sales page, if they buy, they're taken off the first list. If they don't, then I send follow-up emails to close the deal.

Then it's just a rinse and repeat when going into other markets, while creating bigger and better products within the current niches I'm in.

I also use some of the other tactics above, but the ones I outlines bring in the most traffic, specifically when they start to rank in Google.

PS - Once you've capped out with these methods, then next plan is go to the CPA networks and then blow it out of the water with traffic.

PSS - Don't forget to use direct mail to drive visitors and sales.

How to Make Winning Products (& Money) With $0 And No Internet Marketing Experience - 3 Easy Steps

I recently surveyed a list of mine and asked them what problems they were having, what questions they had with Internet Marketing.

Although about 70% of them wanted to know about traffic generation, I got one very different response that I wanted to address here because I know it’s a HUGE problem most beginners are struggling with.

In fact, it’s something that keeps a lot of people “beginners”, not making any real money online and it has a surprisingly simple fix.

Here’s the gist of the response I received (slightly reworded):

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