Friday, May 20, 2011

Get the most out of your Google Analytics

We all know that tracking our stats is absolutely crucial to be successful. Here are few tools I found on internet. Hope, it can help some people.

1. Social Media Metrics Greasemonkey Plugin For Google Analytics – it pulls the social media metrics right into Google Analytics Content Detail reports automatically, with links to the social media sites for your pages. It pulls in data from Digg, Sphinn, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and, with more to come.

2. Get Email Alerts from Google Analytics – With this script, you can get an email when any of your websites drop in visit or page view counts (or anything else you want).

3. Better Google Analytics Firefox extension – This wraps up several scripts into one. Among the MUST HAVE plugins. This super-script will allow you to:
Auto press the “Access Analytics” button, if it is displayed
Remembers settings you set when you switch between profiles, and allows you to open another profile in a new tab quickly.
Allows you to export any report available as CSV to Google Spreadsheets.
Converts percent values to absolute values in tables.
Provides one-click access to year-over-year reports in Google Analytics.
Sorts the visible table rows.
and Adds Digg, Sphinn, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon,, and Yahoo InLink Metrics to your content detail reports.

4. The Google Analytics Report Enhancer – Get enhanced segmentation, you will also be able to segment by transaction, adgroup, and referral path anytime a segmenting opportunity comes up. Now you can see exactly which transactions are attributed to each source, medium, source/medium, keyword, campaign, new or returning visitors, and more. You also get the ability to see the raw number of conversions for each goal you have as well as goal revenue.

5. Unusual Keyword Trends in Google Analytics With Greasemonkey – provides a “What’s Changed” report which tells a) which referrers have sent most traffic in last few days and b) which have sent most traffic where they never did before.

6. Google Website Optimizer multivariate experiment data to show up in Google Analytics – While Google Website Optimizer by itself can give you a quick look at which combination is best at improving conversion, it tells you nothing about transactions, revenue, micro-conversions, navigation, segmentation by source, and bounce rate. If you integrate Google Analytics into your Google Website Optimizer experiments, you will get much richer data, and be able to get a true idea of how your test is doing.

7. Google Analytics Notes – Keep track of events by adding notes directly into Google Analytics.

8. SiteScan – A Google Analytics Diagnostic tool designed to provide you with a complete audit of your Google Analytics setup. SiteScan is a free way to ensure that your Google Analytics is configured properly on your website. The most comprehensive web analytics debugger is the WASP Firefox extension.

9. Goal Copy Extension – The Goal Copy extension records all of the values in a Google Analytics Goal Settings form. You can then navigate to another profile where you want to put that copied goal and paste all of those values into the new form. That way, you can get your goals from one profile to another without all the tedium.

10. The Google Analytics API – Use the Google Analytics Data Export API to download Analytics data in the form of Google Data API feeds. With the Data Export API, you can embed a customized dashboard in your website to display the most commonly viewed or requested page statistics for all your reports users. Or, you can integrate your Google Analytics Data with other website data that you might be tracking in a separate system.

11. Google Analytics to Google Docs Greasemonkey Script – do a one-click export to create a Google spreadsheet for analyzing Google Analytics data.

12. Get Detailed PPC Keyword Data from Google Analytics – This filter shows exactly the Search Term (i.e. keywords that are searched on) rather than just the Bid Term (i.e. the keywords that triggered a PPC advert). For example, if a visitor searches for “sony digital camera” and you have an ad configured for the keywords “digital camera” as a Broad Match in Google AdWords. With this filter the same search will show “digital camera, (sony+digital+camera)” in any Google Analytics report that shows keywords (e.g. Marketing Optimization -> Search Engine Marketing -> Overall Keyword Conversion) or any time you cross-segment against keywords.

13. Analytics KPI gadget for iGoogle – This widget allows you to see important KPI information from Google Analytics directly in iGoogle.

14. Google Analytics Reporting Suite – Using Adobe Air the Google Analytics Reporting Suite brings Google Analytics to the desktop.

15. Customize the list of recognized search engines – Adds 60+ additional search engines for detection (rather than listed as a referrer) and differentiates regional variations e.g.,, etc.

16. Script to capture first and last referrer in Google Analytics – From my friend, Brian Clifton’s book Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics.

17. Excluding Internal Traffic the Easy Way – Make sure your data isn’t polluted with your own or your company’s clicks.

18. Tracking Your Twitter Tweets with Google Analytics – This method will track anyone visiting the site as a result of your tweet, regardless of where they clicked on the URL. It doesn’t matter if it’s in an email client, hosted email app. etc.

19. The Official Google Analytics blog – Get the latest from the Google Analytics team. They also publish the excellent Conversion University.

20. Google Analytics Help Center – The official forum to get your questions answered about Google Analytics.

21. Google Analytics for iPhone – Access your Google analytics on your iPhone.

22. Google Analytics for WordPress – This plugin easily adds your Google Analytics tracking code (the new ga.js one!) to all pages within your blog. This plugin adds the possibility to tag and segment all outgoing links, so you can see whether a click came from a comment or an article. This WordPress plugin also gives you the possibility to track downloads with Google Analytics based on a set of extensions you specify and adds the possibility to track all image searches as organic and collect their keywords.

23. Multiple Profile Greasemonkey Script – If you have multiple profiles setup for your google analytics account, you will be able to select a new profile to view you will see the same report you were just on, but it will be for the new profile which you selected. Also, if you wish to compare reports from two profiles, there is an option to view the new profile in a separate tab.

24. The Enhanced Google Analytics Firefox Plugin – is designed to allow analysts to get more action out of what changed in the Referring Sites and Keyword Reports.

25. Kampyle/Google Analytics Mashup – this plugin allows you to incorporate the feedback you get from using Kampyle on your website (you need account for both) and integrate it with your Google Analytics.

26. Excellent Analytics is a simple Excel plug in that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics in to an Excel spreadsheet.

27. Google Analytics IQ Lessons – become qualified in Google Analytics. Includes lessons and videos.

28. Insights For Analytics – you can now easily view traffic patterns for the keywords you are analyzing in Google Analytics inside Google Insights. You can select up to 5 keywords at a time and Insights For Analytics will automatically grab the date range you are viewing and send that to Google Insights as well.

29. Polaris for Google Analytics – Adobe Air desktop application for Google Analytics.

30. Google Analytics hacks to obtaining full referring URLs – Provides two ways to get full referring urls into Google Analytics.

31. Google Analytics YouTube Channel – some great video content produced by the Google Analytics team.

32. Integrating Google Analytics with a CRM

33. Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder – a more visually appealing and intuitive version of the Google URL builder with additional options such as changing the conversion attribution, parameter separator and creating a short URL for easier distribution.


  1. Thanks for info.

  2. Becoming qualified in Google Analytics is the best way to sucess!

  3. Great post! I had no idea so many resources were out there for my blog.

  4. I didnt realize how much this could actually help

  5. Very looong list :D, but quit interesting.

  6. Wow, I've looked into this a bit, but never to this extent. Thanks for the compact info, I'll look into it.

  7. Nice post, I may start using this.


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